Welcome to Smart Shopping Montreal! Monday, February 10 2025

Hair Replacement for Men

Specialists (Hair Pieces for Men)
2070 rue Crescent Montreal QC, H3G 2B8
corner: de Maisonneuve
Tel: 514-848-6185

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At The Hair Clinic, they believe that no man should ever have his self-confidence damaged by a bald spot. Most men shudder at the mention of a hairpiece, which makes them think of a clown with a bad toupée that can be spotted a mile away. Things have changed quite a lot these days; now with Fusion Bonding, you can even swim and shower with your hair. Their leading edge hair restoration techniques offer you beautiful hair you can live with and love. They use 100% Indo-European Remy human hair, which is 100% silky, soft and soooo very touchable.

If you don't feel comfortable going through life wearing a baseball cap or sporting a shaved head like your dad, come here for a new head of hair. Enjoy yourself. Go on a roller coaster, walk in a storm, and hang upside down from a hang-glider. Your new hair is part of you, and it will stay put whether you’re working out or enjoying an intimate evening with a loved one. There will be no embarrassing dashes to the bathroom to adjust your hairpiece.

Montreal's Hair Clinic has been offering the finest quality hair replacement and human hair pieces for almost 20 years. They have extensive experience in making you look your best with the largest selection of hair replacement alternatives and hair pieces in the province of Quebec - at great prices. Yes, there are hair pieces, but they also offer Non-Surgical Grafts and Non-Surgical Transplants.

- The Non-Surgical Graft is a skin graft which integrates hair into your scalp - defying the closest scrutiny. Your hair is matched for length, colour, texture and wave to follow the angle, pattern and direction of your own hair. Human hair is grafted with follicular units, non-surgically, into "hair follicles" on a strong flexible micro-thin soft skin-like membrane. This membrane replaces the balding area of your scalp, creating the appearance of hair growth.

The micro-thin non-surgical graft or "scalp contact lens" is grafted with 100% human hair, one hair at a time, using their patented follicular hair transplant hair infusion system. Your "new scalp" is then bonded to the balding area, becoming virtually indistinguishable from your hair, even upon close examination.

- The Non-Surgical Transplant uses a fine lace instead of a skin graft. It too involves inserting 100% human hair, one hair at a time, into "follicles" on a micro-thin, ultra sheer welded lace hair system.

Both the Non-Surgical Graft and the Non-Surgical Transplant are carefully moulded to your head to create a most natural and virtually undetectable hairline, as well as a skin-tight fit to your scalp, making it virtually undetectable to the touch.

The Hair Clinic also offers exclusive hybrid hair systems consisting of a fusion of the Non-Surgical Skin Graft and a front lace hair system.

Montreal's Hair Clinic also carries hair volume enhancers and hairpieces for volume for men, ready-to-wear or custom-made just for you. Whether you have balding or thinning areas of scalp, these will give you the head of hair you've always wanted.

Each custom-made hairpiece is lovingly hand-grafted one hair at a time for an ultra natural appearance, with hair that looks like it's growing from your own scalp. You are attended by caring hair replacement associates who are supportive and knowledgeable. They will do their best to make you feel comfortable while they create the hair you've been desiring.

The Hair Clinic’s highly trained staff is qualified to assist you with all types of hair loss, including male pattern baldness or alopecia androgenetica, as well as hair loss due to alopecia areata, alopecia totalis, alopecia universalis and traction alopecia, or tricotillomania. Many dermatologists, plastic surgeons, family practitioners, hair stylists and barbers refer their patients/clients here.

Whether you're looking for top quality hair restoration, hair replacement or hairpieces for men, you’ll find them at The Hair Clinic. You can schedule a no-obligation FREE consultation. Please contact them or e-mail your questions to info@hairiscool.com

Feel that spring in your step and glow on your face after a non-surgical graft from The Hair Clinic. Their high tech hair replacement techniques can give you the hair you've always dreamed of.

Additional Information
Website www.hairiscool.com / www.cheveuxcool.com
E-mail info@hairiscool.com / info@cheveuxcool.com
Metro Stop Station Guy-Concordia
Hours Mon-Thurs 10-6, Fri 10-9, Sat 12-4