Welcome to Smart Shopping Montreal! Thursday, January 23 2025

Have Your Own SSM Web Page

Dear Smart Shopping Merchant:

Your business is invited to be on this Smart Shopping Montreal web site (in English and French). My Shlog (shopping blog) on the link above is now attracting thousands of Montrealers to the site. I am also regularly on CJAD's Andrew Carter Show and the Tommy Schnurmacher show, where I mention the shlog and the site.

This is the gist of what it involves:

The blurb that appears in the latest edition of the book is the one we would put on your web page. You can change what is there and add more information.

As it is right now, your business would appear in the section where we have it in the book, but you could also be in whatever other categories you may wish to. If you want to be in more than one category, it's only $100 for the second or third ones.

1) Besides the words, you can send up to 5 digital photos of products or people shopping.
2) We will link the site to your own web site, if you have one
3) You can add an e-mail address, if you would like
4) We will have a map of how to get to your store
5) You can add coupons, if you wish
6) Your business gets rotated to be Feature of the Week on the front page
7) You can purchase the featured ad which appears on every page of your category
8) You can have a link where you put a flyer up when you have each sale.

You have been in the best-selling book and we have been sending business your way for many years at no cost to you. We have sold over 100,000 copies to date, so we have promoted your business to all of them and their friends.
For the web site, the price is a mere $1 a day, or $365 for the entire year. You can pay by credit card (will appear under name of PayPal-TRAVELSMART) or by cheque.
Thank you so much for being a member of the Smart Shopping community,
Sandra Phillips Smart Shopping Montreal

If you are ready to have your own page created on this site, please click the "Buy Now" button below and you will be directed to a site where you can pay using any major credit card.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please note that your credit card charge will be shown as "PayPal - Travelsmart".